Chinese Language Education

Course Description

Chinese language is the basis for learning all kinds of knowledge. Chinese language allows students to study through:

  • Cultivate students’ reading, writing, listening, and thinking ability, strengthen their communication skills and creativity;

  • Cultivate students’ interest, habits and abilities of self-study for Chinese  language and lay the foundation for lifelong learning;

  • Cultivate students’ temperament and moral and affective qualities; 

  • Improve students’ cultural quality;

  • Strengthen students’ sense of responsibility towards self, family, society, nation and the world;

  • Understanding personal interests and strengths to plan future learning, life, and work.

  • Cultivate students’ positive attitude towards learning and embrace positive values.


Course Features

  • We focus on promoting Chinese culture. In addition to organizing activities such as Fai Chun writing, storytelling of the Twenty-Four Filial Exemplars, holding a book club, to help students understand Chinese culture. We also teach and sing our national anthem to enhance students' patriotic feelings towards the country and nation.

  • We emphasize application and practice, providing students with diverse learning experiences. For example, we encourage students to participate in essay competitions, recitation competitions, public speaking competitions, and various other activities to help students apply what they have learned. In addition, we also organize public speaking challenges, game-based learning, and other competitive activities to allow students to assess their achievements during the competitions.

  • We emphasize enhancing students' interest in reading through Extensive Reading Scheme, in-depth Chinese reading programs, and author lectures. These initiatives help students broaden their reading horizons, increase the volume of their reading, and enable them to read texts carefully to appreciate the meaning of the works. For example, F.5 students need to read various designated materials throughout the year.

  • We collaborate with the development of information technology education to enhance the effectiveness of language learning and teaching. Each class will conduct various electronic teaching enhancement activities to increase classroom interactivity, improve students' interest, motivation, and learning abilities. Subject teachers will also share electronic resources.


Student Activities

Organize diverse interdisciplinary activities to enhance students' language abilities and interests.

  • Chinese Language Association

  • Fai Chun Writing Activity

  • Public Speaking Challenge

  • Game-Based Learning

  • Deep Reading Program: Author Lecture, Book Club

  • Language Fundamentals Enhancement Class, Writing Skills Enrichment Class, Public Speaking Training Class

  • Essay Evaluation and Reward Program

  • Student Anthology

  • 6 Recitation/Speech Competitions

  • 16 Essay Competitions


Student Achievements

  • Creating a student anthology allows schools to better discover students' creative talents while also providing a platform to showcase student achievements. This has a positive impact on students' learning and growth, while also enriching the school's cultural atmosphere.

  • Organizing Fai Chun Writing Activity can engage students to explore and appreciate Chinese culture. This initiative aims to nurture students' artistic creativity, improve their expressive skills, and foster a stronger connection to Chinese cultural heritage.


Outstanding School/Teacher/Student Performances and Awards

 Hong Kong Youth Speech Competition 2022-2023


 First runner-up, Second runner-up, Merit Award

 Hong Kong Youth Chinese Poetry Recitation Competition 2022-2023


 Champion, Merit Award

 2022 Beautiful Mountains, Beautiful Waters, Beautiful Hong KongCreative Writing Competition

 Excellent Award

 Chung Hoi Ching (1C)

HBS Essay Competition (Second Edition)

 1st place winner

 Li Zhijian (5A)

 2022-23 Mei Ho House Hong Kong Spirit Learning Programme
 " Two Generations' Love " Essay Competition

 Merit Awards

 Ng Shuk Hing (2D), Wong Man Ki (3A), Lo Tsz Huen (3D), 

 Fan Ka Kei (4A ), Yeung Yuen Yi (4A)

 2022-23 Dr. Victor Chu Literature Scholarship Writing Competition

 Merit Awards

 Zhang Yuxin (2B), So Yuk Hang (3D), Chen Siwei (5C)

 75th Hong Kong Schools Speech Festival (2023) (Chinese Speech)


 2 Champions , 2 second runner-up


 6 second runner-up


 23 Merit Awards


 9 Good Awards

 Chinese Bible Recitation Festival (2023)


 1 Champion, 1 first runner-up


 2 first runner-up

 “Love Is All Around” 4th Hong Kong Writing Competition

 Merit Awards

 Li Sien (5B)

 Short Story Creative Competition 2023-2024

 Merit Awards

 Leung Chun Hin (1A)