Building Character

Guidance and Counselling Department


A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

NIV Bible, Proverbs 17:22



We aims to promote the holistic development of students in their physical, mental, interpersonal, and spiritual aspects through a Christian-based education philosophy. By implementing developmental and preventive counseling work, we provide students with comprehensive counseling activities and support.



  • To Care (Building a Healthy Campus)

We focus on students' healthy growth and assist them in adapting to the transition of adolescence. We aim to affirm their self-worth, strengthen their resilience, and cultivate proper values.


  • To Love (Building a Caring Campus)

We foster a culture of mutual respect, appreciation, care, and gratitude among students. We aim to help students understand the importance of loving others and themselves, making the school a caring campus.


  • To Serve (Building a Supportive Campus)

We cultivate students' selfless spirit of helping others and encourage them to take responsibility, utilize their strengths, apply what they have learned, and serve others.