STEAM education


  • Develop students a strong knowledge base in step with the latest developments in SE, TE and ME disciplines.
  • Strengthen students’ ability to integrate and apply knowledge and skills in meeting the changes and challenges in the contemporary world.
  • Nurture students’ creativity, collaboration and problem solving skills, which can foster innovation and entrepreneurial spirit as required in the 21st century.



  • For all students, the phased goals are as follows:

S1- S2:  Through engaging in interdisciplinary self-directed STEAM inquiry-based learning activities, students not only enhance their abilities to apply scientific, technological, and mathematical knowledge to solve real-world problems but also foster the development of creativity, problem-solving skills, and collaboration abilities.

S3:  Through engaging in interdisciplinary self-directed STEAM inquiry-based learning activities, including design-and-make projects, students not only enhance their abilities to apply scientific, technological, and mathematical knowledge in the process of creating a product, but also cultivate their creativity, problem-solving skills, and collaboration abilities. 

S4:  By engaging in the projects within the "Innovative Design & Development" subject, students enhance their abilities to apply knowledge and skills in solving problems in meaningful contexts closely related to daily life. 

  • By participating in the courses and activities offered by the STEAM club, students who have an interest in STEAM are provided with the opportunity to broaden their knowledge and skills across various aspects of STEAM.
  • Through inter-house STEAM competitions, students are provided with the opportunity to demonstrate their talents in STEAM and foster a vibrant STEAM atmosphere within the school.
  • Encourage and assist students with a special talent in STEAM discipline to participate in a variety of local and/or overseas learning programs or science competitions to develop their full potential.