Gifted Education


Mission and Implementation of Gifted Education in CLS


To cater to the educational needs of gifted students, we advocate the following principles:

  • Nurturing multiple intelligences is a fundamental goal of quality basic education and should be the mission of ALL schools;

  • Gifted education should be part of quality education. The needs of gifted students, like their less able counterparts, should basically be met in their own school;

  • A broad definition using multiple intelligences should be adopted;

  • Exploring students' thinking and creativity abilities and social skills should be the foci of gifted education.

  • Schools should provide sequential and multiple educational activities to gifted students at different levels;

  • To compile resources collected from educational parties/bodies as support to schools.


Implementation of Gifted Education in CLS

Our school adopts the "Three-Tier Implementation Model" to plan and implement their school-based gifted education. The core elements advocated in gifted education, i.e. higher-order thinking skills, creativity and personal-social competence should also be immersed in whole-school curriculum planning of Level 1 and 2.


This diagram shows the three-tier operation mode in implementing gifted education in Hong Kong

This diagram shows the three-tier operation mode in implementing gifted education in Hong Kong:

(a) Level 1 refers to using pedagogies that could tap the potential of students in creativity, critical thinking, problem solving or leadership, etc. in the regular classroom;

(b) Level 2 refers to offering pull-out programmes in disciplinary or interdisciplinary areas for the more able students within the school setting; and

(c) Level 3 refers to provision of learning opportunities for the exceptionally gifted students in the form of specialist training outside the school setting.


Our school recommends outstanding students to become members of the Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education (HKAGE)

Starting from the 2022-23 academic year, our school will recommend students aged 10 to 18 who are gifted and talented to become members of HKAGE through the "school nomination" and "principal nomination" processes of the Hong Kong Academy of Gifted Education.

The selection of applications for HKAGE members is based on Dr Joseph Renzulli’s Three-Ring Conception of Giftedness, taking into consideration whether the student could benefit from the HKAGE programme provision.


Above Average Abilities:

  • General abilities: processing information, integrating experiences, and abstract thinking.

  • Specific abilities: the capacity to acquire knowledge and perform in an activity.


  • Fluency, flexibility, and originality of thought, openness to experience, sensitivity to stimulations, and a willingness to take risks.

Task Commitment:

  • Perseverance, endurance, hard work, self-confidence, perceptiveness and a special fascination with a special subject.



We built a Student Talent Pool through eClass i-Portfolio

Achieving ‘Gifted Education for All’ and ‘Education for the Gifted’

To achieve the ultimate goal of ‘gifted education for all’ and ‘education for the gifted’, schools has set up and utilised the school-based student talent pool to identify and nurture gifted talents, as well as facilitating the implementation of school-based gifted education. 


Nurturing Students with Potential in STEAM

To identify and nurture students with potential in STEAM, as well as enabling them to fully unleash their potential, our school adopts the “Three-Tier Implementation Model” and develops school-based talent pools to strengthen STEAM education.